Migration behavior of EGFR-transfected CHO cells is affected by Fn and EGF. Time-lapse videomicroscopy was used to capture the motility responses of individual CHO K1 and CHO-EGFR cells. (A and B) Without EGFR-GFP transfection, EGF does not affect the migratory response of CHO K1 cells; (C–F) Transfected CHO-EGFR cells respond to EGF by upregulating their migration in a Fn-dependent manner. Digital images were taken every 15 min for a total of 6 h per experiment. Each wind-rose plot shows centroid tracks from 10 representative cells in a typical experiment, with the initial position of each track superimposed at 0,0 for clarity. Distance between hatch marks on both axes is 50 μm.