RGD peptide reduces both long-timescale directional persistence and short-timescale protrusion stability. (A) Wind-rose plots for migration experiments of CHO-EGFR cells plated on 30 μg/ml Fn in the presence of EGF and varying amounts of GRGDSP, a soluble competitive inhibitor of Fn binding to α5β1 integrins. Distance between hatch marks on both axes is 50 μm. (B) Cell speeds and (C) persistence times for the RGD migration experiments. Speed and persistence were derived as in Fig. 2. ANOVA: p = 0.71 for RGD-dependent cell speed, p = 0.002 for RGD-dependent persistence. Nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals are indicated by asterisks. (D) Kymography was performed on CHO-EGFR cells plated on 30 μg/ml Fn in the presence of EGF and either GRGDSP or control GRADSP peptide. Nonoverlapping 95% confidence intervals are indicated by asterisks (p = 0.01).