Fluorescence spectra of Laurdan in large unilamellar vesicles consisting of POPC (a), POPC/cholesterol (70:30) (b), POPC/desmosterol (70:30) (c), and POPC/lanosterol (70:30) (d) were recorded at 30°C as described in Materials and Methods (A). Fluorescence intensities were normalized to intensities measured after disruption of vesicles by Triton X-100 (0.5%). From these spectra, the generalized polarization of emission intensities GP = (IB − IR)/(IB + IR) (IB and IR: intensities at 437 nm and 482 nm) was calculated (average ± SE of estimate of at least six independent measurements) (B). Fluorescence spectra of Laurdan were recorded at 40°C and the GP values calculated for vesicles consisting of SPM (e), SPM/cholesterol (70:30) (f), SPM/desmosterol (70:30) (g), and SPM/lanosterol (70:30) (h) (C). (C) Data are the average ± SE of estimate of at least five independent measurements.