Time-correlated single-photon counting measurements with excitation wavelengths between λexc = 385–390 nm performed to reveal the origin of the blue fluorescence. (a) A rising, isotope-sensitive component in the green fluorescence of T203V detected at λdet = 515 nm indicates ESPT. The rising components are fit by a single exponential. (b) Fluorescence lifetime measurements of S65G/T203V/E222Q with λdet = 460 nm in H2O and D2O. Similar curves are obtained for S65G/E222Q (data not shown). (c) Fluorescence lifetime measurements of S65G/T203V/E222Q with λdet = 515 nm in H2O and D2O. Similar curves are obtained for S65G/E222Q (data not shown). (d) Lifetime measurements in S65G/E222Q at 2 K with λexc = 420 nm. Neither a rising component at 503 nm nor a fast-decaying component at 445 nm is seen.