Scheme of compartments and SADS for 514-nm excitation in Lhca4. Numbers in rectangles are the intrinsic lifetimes of corresponding compartments, and numbers at arrows are efficiencies of decay routes of particular compartments estimated from the fit. Wherever there is no percentage number associated to an arrow, there is only one 100% decay channel. The scheme neglects direct excitation of Chl a (10%; Table 1) and a minor contribution of Chl b to Chl a EET due to direct excitation of Chl b (10%; Table 1) and describes EET pathways starting from the excitation of the S2 state of Cars only. To get satisfactory fits, some reasonable constraints have been put on the spectra: spectra of S1 and S1′ have been assumed to have zero amplitudes above 650 nm, amplitudes of the hot S1 spectrum were forced to be zero above 670 nm, and amplitudes of blue 1, blue 2, and bulk + red Chls a were forced to be the same in the ESA region of Chl a below 670 nm.