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. 2004 Dec 21;88(3):2030–2037. doi: 10.1529/biophysj.104.051912


Activation energy (Ea), correlation time constant (τ0), and average local field Inline graphic values obtained from the Redfield-Slichter model fitted to R1 data below 240–250 K

Sample Ea [kJ/mol] τ0 [s] Inline graphic[10−8 T2]
MAP2c 31 ± 2 10−15 32 ± 2
CSD1 (rapid R1) 32 ± 4 10−16 57 ± 4
CSD1 (slow R1) 33 ± 3
ERD10 32 ± 3 10−16 66 ± 8
BSA 20 ± 2 10−13 23.4 ± 0.7

Correlation time constants could be determined to a precision of one order of magnitude.