Pyrene transfers through the SC3 membrane formed at the buffer-paraffin oil interface. (A) Pyrene fluorescence is only slightly changed in the presence of SC3. Soluble-state SC3 was mixed with a saturated pyrene solution in 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 7.0. The final concentration of SC3 was 100 μg/ml. The fluorescence spectrum of pyrene was taken after a 30-min (dashed line) and a 16-h (solid line) incubation. The same pyrene solution in the absence of SC3 served as a control (dotted line). (B) Pyrene transfer from buffer to paraffin oil after overnight assembly of SC3 at the oil-water interface starting from a concentration of the hydrophobin in the buffer phase of 3 μg/ml (dash-dotted line), 10 μg/ml (dashed line), and 100 μg/ml (solid line). A solution without SC3 served as a control (dotted line). (C) Pyrene transfer from paraffin oil to buffer in the absence (dotted line) or presence (solid line) of an SC3 membrane formed during overnight incubation from a solution containing 100 μg/ml of protein.