Table 1.
Notation used in model formulation
Term | Meaning |
τ | The rate at which infection is spread through a contact |
g | Recovery rate |
[S], [I] | No. of susceptible, infected individuals |
[Sn], [In] | No. of susceptible, infected individuals with n partners |
[n] | No. of individuals with n partners |
[SnIm] | No. of partnerships between an Sn and an Im |
[nm] | No. of partnerships between individuals with n and m partners |
[SnI] = ∑m[SnIm] | Total no. of infected partners of all Sns |
[SI] = ∑m,n[SnIm] | Total no. of partnerships between an S and an I |
[BnCmDp] | No. of triples with Cm having both Bn and Dp as partners |