FIG. 2.
Total IgG and IgG subclass antibody responses to MSP119 and MSP2 (serogroup A) proteins in C57BL/6 mice. Median midpoint titers of IgG and IgG subclasses (measured by ELISA) are shown for sera (six mice per group) collected prior to immunization and 2 weeks after each immunization with GST, MSP2, or MSP119 proteins. Horizontal dotted lines indicate a titer of 105. (a) Total IgG titers. Sera were tested against the same protein that was used for immunization. (b) IgG subclass titers to GST alone. Geometric mean titers are shown for all groups of mice combined (n = 36). (c to h) IgG subclass titers for mice immunized with different recombinant proteins. Sera were tested against the same protein that was used for immunization. (c) Full-length MSP2-His6 (MSP2A); (d) Di-A-GST; (e) Poly-A-GST; (f) Con-N; (g) Con-C-GST; (h) unrelated antigen-GST (MSP119).