Comparison of neighbor-joining trees based on 16S rDNA, gltA, rpoB, ITS, groEL, and ftsZ partial or complete sequences. Bootstrap values at tree nodes are based on 100 replicates; values of >90 are boldfaced. Trees were unrooted, and only topology was shown for these trees. a, gltA, citrate synthase; rpoB, beta subunit of RNA polymerase; ITS, 16S-23S rRNA ITS; groEL, heat shock protein; ftsZ, cell division protein. b, range of the level of DNA sequence similarity for each gene used. Designations for species and subspecies consist of the letter B (for Bartonella) and the following abbreviations: ber, vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii; vin, vinsonii subsp. vinsonii; aru, vinsonii subsp. arupensis; tri, tribocorum; eli, elizabethae; gra, grahamii; tay, taylorii; als, alsatica; dos, doshiae; hen, henselae; qui, quintana; koe, koehlerae; cla, clarridgeiae; bir, birtlesii; sho, schoenbuchensis; bac, bacilliformis; bov, bovis Bermond et al.