Table 3.
Perlegen single-locus FST values for each population and over all populations
Chromosome | EA | HC | AA | AII |
1 | .08 (.32,.03) | .13 (.35,.04) | .09 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
2 | .09 (.32,.03) | .13 (.35,.05) | .10 (.34,.03) | .11 (.11,.02) |
3 | .08 (.32,.03) | .13 (.34,.04) | .08 (.33,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
4 | .09 (.32,.04) | .12 (.34,.04) | .08 (.33,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
5 | .08 (.32,.03) | .12 (.34,.04) | .10 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
6 | .08 (.31,.03) | .12 (.34,.04) | .10 (.34,.02) | .10 (.11,.02) |
7 | .08 (.32,.03) | .12 (.34,.03) | .10 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
8 | .09 (.32,.03) | .12 (.34,.05) | .12 (.35,.03) | .11 (.12,.02) |
9 | .08 (.32,.03) | .12 (.34,.04) | .09 (.33,.02) | .10 (.10,.02) |
10 | .10 (.33,.03) | .12 (.35,.04) | .11 (.34,.03) | .11 (.11,.02) |
11 | .08 (.31,.03) | .12 (.34,.04) | .09 (.33,.02) | .10 (.10,.02) |
12 | .08 (.33,.03) | .13 (.36,.04) | .10 (.34,.02) | .10 (.11,.02) |
13 | .09 (.32,.03) | .11 (.34,.04) | .11 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
14 | .09 (.33,.03) | .11 (.34,.03) | .10 (.34,.02) | .10 (.11,.01) |
15 | .10 (.33,.04) | .12 (.34,.03) | .09 (.33,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
16 | .08 (.31,.03) | .12 (.34,.03) | .10 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.01) |
17 | .08 (.31,.02) | .14 (.35,.04) | .10 (.34,.02) | .11 (.11,.02) |
18 | .09 (.32,.02) | .11 (.34,.03) | .08 (.33,.03) | .09 (.10,.01) |
19 | .09 (.32,.03) | .11 (.33,.02) | .09 (.33,.02) | .10 (.10,.02) |
20 | .10 (.31,.02) | .12 (.34,.05) | .08 (.31,.02) | .10 (.11,.02) |
21 | .09 (.32,.03) | .10 (.34,.03) | .09 (.33,.01) | .09 (.10,.01) |
22 | .08 (.31,.02) | .13 (.35,.03) | .09 (.33,.02) | .10 (.11,.01) |
All | .08 (.32,.03) | .12 (.34,.04) | .10 (.34,.03) | .10 (.11,.02) |
FST values are averaged over each chromosome. Shown in parentheses are standard deviations over each chromosome for single-SNP values and for 5-Mb window values.
(EA) European American, (HC) Han Chinese, (AA) African American.