Figure 1.
Broken chromosome ends caused by etoposide treatment are kept adjacent in BV173 cells. (A) Schematic diagram for the location of probes for FISH analysis. 11q23 probes are paired probes flanking centromeric (green) and telomeric (red) termini of the MLL gene. MLL probes are paired probes spanning the MLL gene with minimal overlap in the BCR. CH11C is specific for chromosome 11 centromere. (B) Representative image of BV173 cell line hybridized with the 11q23 probes. Cells were treated with 25 μM etoposide for 6 hours. Original magnification, ×600. (C) The percentages of M phase BV173 cells incubated with 0 or 25 μM of etoposide concomitantly with colcemid for 6 hours. M phase cells were simultaneously stained with anti–phospho-histone H3 antibody and PI and were determined by flow cytometry. Dots representing M phase cells are enclosed within the rectangles.