TAZ potently activates TBX5-dependent transcription. (A) TAZ potently activates ANF-luciferase expression in the presence of TBX5. COS-1 cells were transiently transfected with plasmids for ANF-luciferase (ANF-Luc, 100 ng) and control β-galactosidase (10 ng), TBX5 expression plasmid (10 ng), and the expression plasmids of various transcriptional coregulators (100 ng). Basal luciferase activity without expression of TBX5 and coregulators was given a value of 1. (B) TAZ activates TBX5-dependent ANF-luciferase expression in a dose-dependent manner. TBX5, 10 ng; TAZ, 5–100 ng. (C) TBEs are essential for TAZ-mediated activation of ANF-luciferase expression. (Right) Luciferase assays with the ANF-luciferase constructs (–452, –249, and –79 bp) and its mutants (muTBE). TBX5, 10 ng; TAZ, 100 ng. (Left) Structures of the ANF-luciferase constructs (–452, –249, and –79 bp) and its mutants are shown. The transcriptional initiation site is shown as +1. TBX5, 10 ng; TAZ, 100 ng. (D) TAZ activates TBX5-dependent Fgf10-luciferase (Fgf10-Luc) expression. TBX5, 50 ng; TAZ, 100 ng. (E) TAZ stimulates the activity of a luciferase reporter that contains tandem TBEs (2× TBE-Luc), but not the reporter with mutated TBEs (2× muTBE-Luc). TBX5, 10 ng; TAZ, 100 ng. In B–E, COS-1 cells were transfected with the expression plasmids of TBX5 and TAZ together with luciferase and β-galactosidase plasmids. Basal activity of each luciferase reporter without TBX5 and TAZ expression was given a value of 1.