Figure 1.
Last exon lengths. A) Lengths of human last exons (including incomplete exons). N = 15,401; mean = 1397.6; median = 1003; standard deviation = 1257.3. The values on the abscissa are the upper lengths of the bins; e.g., the bar at 600 bp includes last exons with lengths > 300 bp and ≤ 600 bp. The last bin – 8100 and marked with an asterisk (*) – contains last exons > 7800 bp in length. B) Lengths of human last exons (complete exons only). N = 11,502; mean = 1414.9; median = 1048; standard deviation = 1255.3. Only last exons obtained from mRNA that was complete on the 3' end are included (see discussion in the text for an explanation of how this was determined). The last bin – 8100 and marked with an asterisk (*) – contains all last exons with lengths > 7800 bp.