The Overexpression of GFP-KOR1 in kor1-1 Totally Restores Hypocotyl Growth and Partially Restores Root Growth.
(A) Four-day-old dark-grown seedlings of Ws (left, two seedlings), kor1-1 (middle, two seedlings), and GFP-KOR1/kor1-1 (right, two seedlings). Bar = 1 mm.
(B) Distribution of hypocotyl length of 4-d-old dark-grown Ws, kor1-1, and GFP-KOR1/kor1-1 seedlings.
(C) Distribution of root length of 4-d-old light-grown Ws, kor1-1, and GFP-KOR1/kor1-1 seedlings.