Subcellular Localization of PIP2A Plasma Membrane Protein and RNase Secretion in the phf1 Mutant.
(A) Confocal micrographs of leaf epidermal cells from transgenic wild-type and phf1-1 lines harboring the 35S:PIP2A:GFP construct showing identical fluorescence emission, associated with the plasma membrane, in both genetic backgrounds. Bars = 20 μm.
(B) Secreted RNase activity from Pi-starved wild-type and mutant plants. Plants were grown for 5 d in complete liquid medium and then transferred for an additional 7 d to Pi-deficient medium. Secreted proteins were separated by native-PAGE electrophoresis and stained for RNase activity. The positions of secreted RNase1 and RNase3 are shown.