Two-phase kinetics of C-terminal glycosylation of acceptor sites. Clones 67 and 62 with different carboxy tail lengths were expressed in vitro in the presence of RMs. At 1.5 min after mRNA addition, ATA was added to block further initiation. Samples were removed at different time points and Triton X-100 was added to dissolve the microsomes and block further glycosylation. Translation was then allowed to continue up to a total time of 60 min. The time-course for the appearance of the second glycosylation event (site G2) is shown. n denotes the number of residues between the Asn in the G2 glycosylation acceptor site and the C-terminal end of the protein (see Fig. 1). 67 black squares (n=12); 67, black triangles (n=28); 67, white circles (n=46); 67, black circles (n=66); 62, white squares (n=12).