FIG. 5.
LMP2A accelerates cellular migration of primary epithelial cells in a scratch wound assay. (A to D) Uninfected (A and B) and adLMP2A-infected 3 day postinfection (C and D) primary epithelial cells were grown to confluence and the monolayers wounded with a plastic pipette tip. Bright-field images were taken at 0 h (A and C) and 16 h (B and D) postwounding (×20 magnification). (E to G) GFP fluorescence images of primary epithelial cells infected with adLMP2A (which also expresses GFP; see Materials and Methods) and adGFP alone at 16 h postwounding taken at ×20 (E and G) or ×40 (F and H) magnifications. This is a different experiment from the one shown in panels A to D.