Table 3.
Numbers of probe sets included into the comparisons
Data set | Array comparison | Best match pairs | GeneID pairs | Multiple original sets (%) | Multiple verified sets (%) |
hESC | HG-U133A vs. HG-U133Plus2.0 | — | 12661 | 36.7 | 32.2 |
mCPI | MG-U74Av2 vs. MOE430 2.0 | 8595 | 7735 | 26.4 | 14.9 |
ALL, IM | HG-U95Av2 vs. HG-U133A | 8429 | 8240 | 25.2 | 18.9 |
The best match pairs provided by Affymetrix are based on the similarity of the target sequences of the probe sets. The GeneID pairs were obtained by assigning the probe sets to GeneID identifiers. Only GeneIDs for which probes existed on original, verified and alternative probe sets were considered. If multiple probe sets corresponded to the same GeneID, their values were averaged. The last two columns show the proportion of GeneIDs with multiple probe sets when GeneID pairs of original and verified probe sets were formed.