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. 2005 Dec;25(24):11131–11144. doi: 10.1128/MCB.25.24.11131-11144.2005

FIG. 10.

FIG. 10.

Amelioration of skeleton and enamel defects in perilacZ nulls by changing diet. (A) Radiographic images of 6-month-old femurs either from wild-type and perilacZ null mice fed standard pellet chow (+/+ and −/−) or from perilacZ null littermate mice fed powdered soft chow (−/−*). Note that while the femur head from a null fed standard chow exhibited a reduced bony trabecula network (indicated by arrow), that of the null fed powdered chow appeared similar that of the wild-type littermate. (B and C) Visualization of femur head cancellous bony trabecula network sagittal sectional images from plastic-embedded polished samples (B) and via BSEM (C). Note that nulls fed powdered chow have grossly normal trabecular bone compared to null littermates fed standard chow. (D) Radiographic views of the maxillary incisor region show that only nulls fed standard chow exhibit complete deformation of the enamel surface that affects the incisor from the apex to the incisor edge (indicated by *), while the nulls fed powdered chow (−/−*) exhibit only mild clefting of the enamel surface. (E) Similarly, radiographic views of the mandible support the findings that the null enamel and incisor defects are somewhat prevented by feeding with soft rather than standard chow.