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. 2005 Dec;71(12):7846–7857. doi: 10.1128/AEM.71.12.7846-7857.2005


Amino acid changes between the proteins coded by the AGT1 genes in the Saccharomyces Genome Database and the ale and lager strains

TMDb Amino acida
Position SGD A60 A179 A15 A24
40 D N N N N
45 K R R
59 T I
74 V M M
78 M T T
80 A T T
83 D E E
102 K I I
128 S N N N N
I (164-184) 164 L Q Q Q Q
168 M T T
175 T P P
198 I V V
II (202-222) 215 I V V V V
219 I M M M M
226 S G G G G
228 A T T T T
III (241-266) 276 G D D
IV (284-311) 333 V I I
359 N D D D D
375 T A A
381 S T T T T
385 V C C C C
392 Y C
395 E Stopc Stopc
V (405-427) 409 L V V V V
VI (432-459) 448 I V/Id I/Vd V V
459 S G G G
VII (461-489) 488 A T T
VIII (504-532) 509 L I
548 V A
556 T S
595 A D

Amino acids are shown at positions where the SGD and brewer's yeast protein sequences differ; no entry means the amino acid is the same as in the SGD.


The positions of transmembrane domains (TMDs) indicated in SGD are shown.


The sequences of the lager strains' hypothetical proteins after the Stop codons were obtained by correcting the frameshift.


Residue 448 was the same as in the SGD in 3 of 13 A60 sequences and 10 of 17 A179 sequences.