Phylogenetic reconstruction of selected cloned rRNA sequences (1,192 bases) associated with Planctomycetes. Entries generated from this study are in boldface, and biofilm samples are indicated by age and bulk water samples by inlet/outlet and month of sampling. c_ represents a unique clone number from a given sample. The tree shown was inferred by neighbor joining to accurately reproduce the branch lengths, but the topology was supported by maximum-parsimony and maximum-likelihood inference. Solid circles signify clades with bootstrap support of >90 from all algorithms. Open circles signify clades with support from one or two algorithms. The scale bar represents 10 substitutions per 100 base pairs. See Materials and Methods for description of outgroup. Among others, Pirellula species include P. marina and P. staleyi; Planctomyces species include P. limnophilus, P. maris, and P. brasiliensis. Gemmata obscuriglobus, Isosphaera pallida, “Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii,” and “Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans” are also shown.