FIG. 6.
Digital images of autoradiographs and immunoblots of immunoprecipitated lamin B and PKC labeled with [32P]orthophosphate. HEp-2 cells were infected with HSV-1 (F), pulse-labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, treated with PKC-specific inhibitors (C), lysed at 16 h postinfection, and immunoprecipitated with antibodies specific for lamin B (A and C) and PKC (D). Samples were electrophoretically resolved on an SDS denaturing polyacrylamide gel and processed for autoradiography. To confirm that lysates of mock-infected and HSV-1 (F)-infected cells contained nearly equal amounts of lamin B and PKC, immunoblots (B and E) of replicate crude lysates using antibodies against lamin B and PKC, respectively, were prepared according to standard protocols.