Figure 6.
Hydropathy analysis of ranked glycopeptides and UDP–glucose glycoprotein-glucosyltransferase monoglucosylation of two purified tryptic glycopeptide substrates. (A) Hydropathy plots for monoglucosylated glycopeptides from acid phosphatase using the Kyte–Doolittle algorithm (see Methods). The x axis shows the position of each amino acid with respect to the N-linked glycan (position 0), where position 1 represents the amino acid immediately carboxy-terminal to the asparagine residue. The top panel shows the average Kyte–Doolittle value at each position for the group 1 glycopeptides from Fig. 4. The hydrophobic amino acids give positive values, and in a three-amino-acid window, a hydrophobic patch is defined as a positive average value for three consecutive amino acids. Note that the main difference between AcP101–118 and AcP101–114 is the hydrophobic patch downstream from residues 12–14. (B) Monoglucosylation of purified glycopeptides. AcP (280 μg) was digested with trypsin. Purification of glycopeptides T248–270 and T386–395 of AcP was followed by micro-liquid-chromatography–electrospray-massspectrometry as described for Fig. 2B. Each purified glycopeptide was then monoglucosylated with recombinant UDP–glucose glycoprotein:glucosyltransferase (25 nM) in separate reactions containing 14, 28 or 56 μM each purified glycopeptide and 1 mM UDP–glucose at pH 8 for 1.5 h at 37 °C. The molar incorporation of glucose (peak ratio) for each reaction was calculated as for Fig. 2B.