The larval mushroom body calyx. (A) Frontal view of a 3D reconstruction of part of the right brain hemisphere of a larva. GFP-actin is expressed in KCs under control of GAL4 OK107; brain neuropil is labeled by anti-Dlg antibody. Dorsal is to the top, medial to the right. The calyx of the mushroom body (inside a dashed line) lies just beneath the KC bodies in the dorsoposterior cortex of the brain. KCs have dendritic branches in the calyx, and their axons run posteriorly and medially to the calyx, to converge in the pedunculus ventral to the calyx. The axons in the pedunculus project anteroventrally, and branch into two main lobes, the vertical lobe (VL) and medial lobe (ML). The AL (in magenta) is shown inside a dashed line, partly obscured by two to three GAL4-expressing cell bodies. PNs have dendrites in the AL, and send axons dorsoposteriorly via the inner antennocerebral tract (iACT, fine dotted line with arrowhead) to the calyx of the mushroom body, and to the lateral horn (data not shown). In the calyx, they contact dendrites of Kenyon cells (KCs). (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (B) Expression of GFP-actin under control of GAL4 OK107 in KCs, and staining for Dlg reveal a glomerular organization of the calyx. Glomeruli (arrowheads) are seen mainly around the periphery of the calyx. The axonal tracts of each of the four clonal units of the mushroom body are outlined with dotted lines, and labeled A-D in Right. Panels show a horizontal section from around the middle of the calyx, anterior to the bottom and medial to the right. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (C) Views of a calyx stained for Dlg, seen from dorsal, medial, ventral, and lateral perspectives, reconstructed from horizontal confocal sections. Glomeruli that are more distinct in each view, or closer to the observer, are labeled and outlined with dashed lines; because of overlap between glomeruli in the 2D projections and weaker staining of more ventral glomeruli, not all glomeruli can be seen distinctly. (Scale bar, 10 μm.) Panels can also be viewed as stereo images by using glasses with a red (left) and cyan, green, or blue (right) filter.