(A) The peak list was subjected to a Mann-Whitney
U test for each individual cancer versus the control. Only
peaks with adjusted P values of less than 0.00001 were
passed through a second filter (median peak intensity > 500 units); a
peak was selected if it passed the threshold in 1 cancer or in the control.
(B) Venn diagrams show the number of peptides that passed
both feature selection steps. The numbers shown outside the diagrams
indicate the total number of peptides of a specific cancer group that were
either up (Higher intensity) or down (Lower intensity). (C)
Heat maps compare the selected features of the 3 cancer groups with controls
in multiclass and binary formats. Columns represent samples (per group);
rows are m/z peaks (not in numerical order). Peptides used
in each binary comparison are the sum of those specifically higher and lower
in each cancer group; the multiclass heat map contains the combined,
nonredundant number of peptides. The multiclass, bladder, and breast heat
map scales of normalized intensities range from 0 (green) to 500 (red) with
the midpoint at 250 (yellow); those of the prostate map are from 0 (green)
to 2,000 (red), with the midpoint at 1,000 (yellow).