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. 2004 Dec 15;2(1):A12.

Table 1.

Media Use Among U.S. Youth (Hours per Day), 1999*

  2-18 year-olds 2-7 year-olds 8-18 year-olds

Medium White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic White Black Hispanic
Total media exposure 6:00a 7:56b 7:05c 4:04a 4:59b 4:25a 7:16a 9:52b 9:02b
Television 2:22a 3:56b 3:31c 1:43a 2:46b 2:20b 2:47a 4:41b 3:50c
Taped television shows 0:09a 0:17b 0:11a 0:04 0:02 0:02 0:12a 0:27b 0:18c
Videotapes 0:28 0:30 0:29 0:28 0:27 0:22 0:28 0:32 0:34
Movies 0:08a 0:19b 0:21b 0:01a 0:04b 0:01ab 0:13a 0:29b 0:35b
Video games 0:17a 0:25b 0:24b 0:08 0:08 0:09 0:23a 0:35b 0:35b
Print media 0:45a 0:45a 0:37b 0:47aa 0:42ab 0:38b 0:43a 0:47a 0:35b
Radio 0:38 0:40 0:43 0:22a 0:32b 0:25ab 0:49 0:45 0:56
CDs and tapes 0:50 0:43 0:49 0:22a 0:13b 0:23ab 1:09 1:03 1:08
Computer 0:22 0:20 0:19 0:07a 0:04b 0:04ab 0:31 0:31 0:29

Within each row and age subgroup, only those mean times that do not share a common superscript differ from one another with statistical reliability. Those mean times without a superscript, or those that share a common superscript, do not differ by a large enough margin to ensure statistical reliability. Total media exposure is the sum of the amount of time children spend with each type of media. Data from Table 8c in Kids & Media @ The New Millennium (12) reprinted with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.