Figure 5. Structural Comparison of Peptide Binding by HAUSP Reveals a Consensus Sequence.
(A) MDM2 peptide (red) binds to the same surface groove as the p53 peptide (magenta). Residues from MDM2 and p53 are shown in yellow and green, respectively.
(B) Superposition of three HAUSP-binding peptides derived from MDM2 (red), p53 (magenta), and EBNA1 (green). The HAUSP TRAF-like domain is shown in a transparent surface representation, with critical residues shown in brown.
(C) Structural alignment of HAUSP-binding peptides reveals a consensus sequence. The HAUSP surface groove (in a transparent surface representation) for binding to the consensus tetrapeptide is shown in the left panel. The consensus sequence is shown in the right panel.