FIG. 1.
Regulation of RTP801 expression by hypoxia. (A) RTP801; (B) VEGF; (C) TSP1 (thrombospondin 1). N, normoxia; H4, 4 h of hypoxia; H16, 16 h of hypoxia. (Top) Microarray images of hybridization signals. T, total-RNA-derived probe; Nu, nuclear-RNA-derived probe. The numbers indicate the fold increase (+) and decrease (−) in gene expression under hypoxic (H4, H16) conditions versus that under normoxic (N) conditions. (Bottom) Northern analysis of gene expression using 2 μg of poly(A) RNA extracted from C6 cells cultured under either normoxic (N) or hypoxic (H4, H16) conditions. The three probes for RTP801 and the VEGF, and TSP1 genes (used to demonstrate that the normoxic slot does not contain less RNA than the hypoxic one) were consequently hybridized to the same membrane.