ACK family tyrosine kinase domains. (A) Alignment of the tyrosine kinase domain of DACK (accession no. AF181642) with the tyrosine kinase domains of murine ACK (accession no. NP_058068), human ACK-1 (accession no. NP_005772), bovine ACK-2 (accession no. AAC05310), C. elegans B0302.1 (accession no. T15316), human TNK1 (accession no. NP_003976), Drosophila DPR2 (accession no. AAF58423), and C. elegans ARK-1 (accession no. CAB65957). Sequences are arranged in order of degree of identity with DACK. (B) Schematic diagram of domains found in ACK family members. Listed on the left are the percent identities between the tyrosine kinase domains of each family member and DACK.