tRNA (anticodon) | No. of molecules per cell | No. of molecules per mitochondrion (% of total) |
Asn (GUU) | 13,500 | 370 (2.7) |
Asp (GUC) | 40,600 | 2,430 (6.0) |
Cys (GCA) | 36,800 | 1,770 (4.8) |
Gln (UUG) | 61,500 | 1,210 (2.0) |
Glu (CUC) | 52,300 | 1,420 (2.7) |
Ile (UAU) | 47,000 | 3,520 (7.5) |
Leu (AAG) | 130,000 | 3,580 (2.8) |
Leu (CAA) | 220,100 | 7,700 (3.5) |
Leu (CAG) | 121,300 | 1,210 (1.0) |
Leu (UAG) | 60,700 | 1,820 (3.0) |
Lys (CUU, UUU) | 113,700 | 4,090 (3.6) |
Met-i (CAU) | 1,900 | 4 (0.2) |
Met-e (CAU) | 15,600 | 880 (5.6) |
Phe (GAA) | 36,400 | 1,350 (3.7) |
Tyr (GUA) | 6,100 | 410 (6.8) |
Met-i | ND | ND (0.3)a |
Met-e | ND | ND (5.0)a |
Leu (CAA) | ND | ND (3.2)a |
0-Leu∗ (CAA)b | 3,600 | 100 (2.9)a |
10-Leu∗ (CAA)b | 15,200 | 460 (3.0)a |
59-Leu∗ (CAA)b | 39,900 | 1,160 (2.9)a |
216-Leu∗ (CAA)b | 49,200 | 1,480 (3.0)a |
Mitochondria were isolated by digitonin extraction (see Materials and Methods).
Tagged tRNALeu(CAA) expressed in transgenic T. brucei (see Fig. 6). The abundance of the tRNA isoacceptor was determined by quantitative Northern analysis using the corresponding in vitro-transcribed tRNAs as marker. Unless otherwise indicated, mitochondria were isolated by the hypotonic procedure outlined in Materials and Methods.