PP1 is associated with pathology at 6 months of age. (A) In vivo, M-mode echocardiography performed in hearts from 6-month-old TG mice (right) revealed increased end-systolic (ESD) and end-diastolic dimensions (EDD) indicating LV dilation, compared to results for age-matched WT mice (left). (B) Masson's trichrome-stained longitudinal sections from WT (left) and TG (right) hearts showed dilated cardiomyopathy and the presence of intracardiac thrombi (arrows) in TG hearts. (C) Higher magnification (×170) indicated widespread interstitial fibrosis (blue) in the TG, but not WT, hearts. (D) Representative dot blot of ventricular gene expression showed increases in atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), β-MHC, and α-skeletal actin (α-sk. actin) in TG hearts. Blots are from three animals in each group. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. (E) Survival curves indicated premature mortality (P < 0.00001) in TG (n = 46) compared to WT (n > 100) mice. Survival statistics were obtained by using the log rank test. Cum., cumulative.