FIG. 2.
p19ARF transcripts are induced in aberrantly proliferating CP epithelium. RNA in situ hybridization was performed with an antisense p19ARF RNA probe. (A) Hematoxylin and eosin (H & E)-stained section from the same brain as in panel C shows the morphology of CP in the lateral ventricle and is in an orientation similar to that of dark-field panels B to D. The borders between brain parenchyma (br) and the ventricles (V) are depicted with white dashed lines in panels B to D. No p19ARF expression above background is detected in the CP of nontransgenic mice (B). (Compare the signal in brain with that in CP.) p19ARF transcripts are induced in TgT121 CP (C). T121-induced p19ARF expression is p53 independent; the level of p19ARF transcripts is similar in TgT121;p53−/− CP (D) and TgT121 CP (C). (A) Bar, 200 μm (magnification is the same in all panels). Sense probe hybridization showed no signal above background (not shown).