Figure 4.
Vps30p is required for vacuolar degradation of A1PiZ. (A) A colony-blot immunoassay with duplicate samples of vps30Δ and the BY4742 WT parent strain expressing high (pYESA1PiZ), medium (pBMA1PiZ), or low (p426Met25A1PiZ) levels of A1PiZ was performed. Each immunoassay was established with equal OD600 units of cells, allowing for the assignment of relative levels of A1PiZ quantified as described in Materials and Methods. The relative amount of A1PiZ in vps30Δ compared with the wild type (WT) was determined for each vector type. (B) Representative immunoblot from a cycloheximide-chase analysis and a graph of the means ± SE from at least three experiments monitoring A1PiZ degradation are shown for the pep4Δ (solid line and squares) and BY4742 WT (dotted line and circles) strains transformed with the pYESA1PiZ, high level expression vector.