Translation of mitochondrial proteins in rescued A549 ρ° clones. (A) Metabolic labeling of A549 cells, A549 ρ° cells, and rescued A549 ρ° clones was for 5 h with [35S]methionine in methionine-free medium in the presence of emetine to inhibit translation of proteins encoded in the nucleus. Mitochondria were isolated by differential centrifugation, and 10 μg of mitochondria protein was analyzed per sample. A549 ρ° cells did not translate mitochondria proteins, whereas the rescued A549 ρ° clones translate proteins of similar molecular weights to those produced by the parental cell line (arrows). Note that the clones derived from mitochondria transfer from donor 235 have higher levels of an ≈8-kDa protein relative to the parental cell line. (B) Immunocytochemistry of COX II indicating the presence and correct localization of COX II in rescued clones. FIBRO, fibroblast.