Pulse-chase analysis shows early defects in pre-rRNA processing in prp43S247A mutant cells. (A) PRP43 cells process pre-rRNA normally at nonpermissive temperatures. (B) prp43S247A cells synthesize 35S pre-rRNA and process less 27S and 20S pre-rRNA into mature 25S and 18S rRNAs than the wild type. Wild-type PRP43 and prp43S247A cultures were pulsed with [3H]methyl-methionine and chased with cold methionine for the times indicated above the lanes. Pre-rRNA (35S, 27S, and 20S) and mature rRNA (25S and 18S) gene species are noted. (C) [5,6-3H]uracil pulse-chase analysis of pre-rRNA processing in PRP43 cells. (D) [5,6-3H]uracil pulse-chase analysis of pre-rRNA in prp43S247A cells. Wild-type PRP43 and prp43S247A cultures were pulsed with [5,6-3H]uracil and chased with cold uracil for the times indicated above the lanes.