In situ hybridization analysis of the expression of Ra175 mRNA in mouse embryos and testes. Expression of the Ra175 mRNA on the sagittal section (A) and transverse section of trunks (B) of mouse embryo at E13.5. (C to G) Magnification of the epithelium of each organ in the rectangular region in panels A and B. (C) Hair follicle; (D) lung; (E) esophagus; (F) olfactory epithelium; (G) tongues epithelium; (H) testis of the 4-week-old mouse. OE, olfactory epithelium; To, tongue; Lg, lung; Lv, liver; Kd, kidney; Ht, heart; DRG, dorsal root ganglia; HF, hair follicle. In addition to the nervous system including brain, spinal cord, and dorsal root ganglia, Ra175 mRNA was detected in the various epithelium of the developing organs. Bars in panels A and B, 500 μm. Bars in panels C to H, 200 μm.