FIG. 1.
Digitized IS100-based fingerprints and dendrogram constructed by the UPGMA clustering method. Similarity analysis was performed using the Dice coefficient. The scale bar indicates dissimilarity proportions. The numbers 1 to 27 were assigned to each locus-specific primer vlm according to the size of the PCR fragment formed, using Y. pestis strain CO92 DNA as a template. The positions of the shifted fragments were followed in other strains. The IS100 genotypes of different groups shown are as follows: O1, O2a, O2b, and O2c are biovar orientalis; M1a, M1b, and M2 are biovar medievalis; A1a, A1b, A2, A3, and A4 are biovar antiqua; P1, and P2 are strains of the Pestoides group; and S1 and S2 are strains of Y. pseudotuberculosis.