FIG. 2.
Reconstruction of staphylococcal phylogenic tree based on agrB, agrD, agrC, and 16S rRNA genes. The nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA from staphylococci were retrieved from GenBank (S. arlettae, AB009933; S. xylosus, D83374; S. simulans, D83373; S. lugdunensis, AB009941; S. intermedius, D83369; S. gallinarum, D83366; S. epidermidis, D83362; S. cohnii urealyticum, AB009936; S. cohnii cohnii, D83361; S. carnosus, AB009934; S. caprae, AB009935; S. capitis capitis, L37599; S. auricularis, D83358; and S. aureus, X68417). They were aligned by using the multisequence alignment program CLUSTAL X. Phylogenic relationships of agr sequences and 16S rRNA genes were inferred by using the PHYLIP software package. The evolutionary distances were determined by the method of Kimura, and these values were used to construct a dendrogram by use of the neighbor-joining method. The numbers at the nodes are the proportion of 1,000 bootstrap resamplings that support the topology shown. Only bootstrap values of >80% are indicated.