Comparison of the intergenic domains of the rrnA and rrnB operons of M. fortuitum and M. smegmatis. (A and B) Comparison of the rrnA and rrnB operons of M. fortuitum (A) and M. smegmatis (B). The intergenic domains which extend from the 3" ends of the upstream genes to the 5" ends of the 16S rRNA genes are divided into promoter regions (PR) and core leader regions (core LR). The percent sequence similarities found between the promoter and core leader regions are shown beside double-headed arrows. Bent arrows labeled tsp1, etc., indicate transcription starting points for promoter P1, etc. CL1, conserved sequence motif found in rrnA operons; CL2, conserved sequence motif found in both rrnA and rrnB operons; stop 3", 3" end of the stop codon of the upstream gene indicated; 5" 16S rRNA, 5" end of the 16S rRNA gene. (C and D) Comparison of the sequences of the intergenic domains of the rrnA (C) and rrnB (D) operons of M. fortuitum and M. smegmatis. Dots represent identical nucleotides; dashes represent insertions-deletions. Termination codons are underlined. The CL1 motif, which is a feature of rrnA operons, and the CL2 motif are boxed (full lines). Broken lines enclose putative −10 and −35 boxes. Bold letters indicate the 5" end of the 16S rRNA coding region. rpa4F, rpa4, jy15t, and rpa2 indicate target sites for primers used in RNase ptotection experiments. Other symbols are defined in the legend to panels A and B.