(A) Impact of PHL on the electrophoretic mobility of the PhlF-7EH probe complex. Increasing amounts of PHL were added to the binding mixture containing 3 μg of PhlF-6xHis and 2 ng of radiolabeled 7EH probe. Pro, free 7EH probe. Samples 1 to 11 contain 0 mM, 0.05 mM, 0.1 mM, 0.2 mM, 0.25 mM, 0.3 mM, 0.4 mM, 0.75 mM, 1 mM, 2 mM, and 3 mM PHL, respectively. (B) Mobility shift assay using an unrelated system composed of repressor protein cI2009 of phage Tuc2009 and a DNA fragment (2880 to 3030) from the genetic switch of Tuc2009. Lanes: Pro, probe without repressor; 0, probe with repressor cI2009; 3 mM, probe with repressor cI2009 and PHL (3 mM).