Relationships between adjustable valve pressure setting and ventricular volume |
1 |
Individual values of P and V across all subjects |
2 |
Individual values of ΔP and corresponding values of ΔV across all subjects |
3 |
Average individual values of P and V within each subject |
4 |
Average values for ΔP and ΔV within each subject |
5 |
Average ΔP/ΔT and ΔV/ΔT for each subject |
6 |
The differences between Pmax – Pmin and Vmax – Vmin within each subject |
7 |
The differences between Pfinal – Pinitial and Vfinal – Vinitial within each subject |
8 |
Corresponding values of ΔP and ΔV within each subject |
Definition of abbreviations |
(P) |
Adjustable valve pressure setting |
(V) |
Ventricular volume |
(ΔP) |
Change in adjustable valve pressure setting |
(ΔV) |
Change in ventricular volume |
(ΔP/ΔT) |
Change in adjustable valve pressure setting over time |
(ΔV/ΔT) |
Change in ventricular volume over time |
(Pmax) |
Highest adjustable valve pressure setting |
(Pmin) |
Lowest adjustable valve pressure setting |
(Vmax) |
Largest ventricular volume |
(Vmin) |
Smallest ventricular volume |
(Pfinal) |
Last value for adjustable valve pressure setting available for each subject |
(Pinitial) |
First value for adjustable valve setting as determined at time of shunt surgery |
(Vfinal) |
Last value for ventricular volume available for each subject |
(Vinitial) |
First ventricular volume measure available at first computed tomographic scan after surgery |