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. 2006 Jan 5;2:1. doi: 10.1186/1744-8069-2-1

Table 3.

Analysis of variance for AngleTrack for time spent in black compartment

Repeated Measures Analysis of Variance
Effective hypothesis decomposition
Effect SS Degr. of Freedom MS F p
Intercept 18926051 1 18926051 662.8197 0.000000
Group 97940 2 48970 1.7150 0.183153
Angle 5164217 4 1291054 45.2147 0.000000
Group*Angle 301539 8 37692 1.3200 0.236748
Error 4711384 165 28554
TIME 43302 5 8660 2.2578 0.046952
TIME*Group 86838 10 8684 2.2639 0.013004
TIME*Angle 543750 20 27187 7.0879 0.000000
TIME*Group*Angle 216322 40 5408 1.4099 0.049649
Error 3164485 825 3836

Group: Control, SNI, Carrageenan;

Angle: 0°, 25°, 35°, 45°, 55°;

Time = 6, 5-minute intervals in 30 minutes.