Sequence alignment of carboxy termini from PBP 5 homologues. The amino acid sequences of the dd-carboxypeptidase PBPs most closely related to PBP 5 from E. coli were aligned, beginning with the PEGN sequence that marks the end of the crystal structure (4). Identical amino acids are highlighted in black, and similar amino acids are highlighted in gray. Consensus residues at the most highly conserved positions are noted below the alignments. Abbreviations (with accession numbers, when applicable): Ec5, E. coli PBP 5; Ec6, E. coli PBP 6; Vc1, V. cholerae group O1 strain N16961 (VC0937); Pm, P. multocida DacA (PM1927); Hi, H. influenzae PBP 6 (HI0029); Pa, P. aeruginosa (PA3999); Xf, Xylella fastidiosa PBP 6 (XF2230); St, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 PBP 6b; Mll, Mesorhizobium loti (mll0426).