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. 2006 Jan;44(1):183–191. doi: 10.1128/JCM.44.1.183-191.2006


Basic epidemiological features of strains retrieved from tuberculosis patients in French West Indies (Guadeloupe and Martinique) and French Guiana

Epidemiological feature Value for group
Guadeloupe Martinique FWI French Guiana
Total no. of strains 242 106 348 396
Sex ratio 2.1 1.0 1.6 1.8
Age known (no. of patients) 151 74 225 370
No. of patients in age groupa:
    0-14 yr 2 (1.3) 2 (2.7) 4 (1.8) 13 (3.5)
    15-39 yr 65 (43.1) 15 (20.3) 80 (35.6)b 209 (56.5)b
    40-64 yr 53 (35.1) 26 (35.1) 79 (35.1) 118 (31.9)
    >65 yr 31 (20.5) 31 (41.9) 62 (27.6)b 30 (8.1)b
Origin known (no. of patients) 122 NAc 268
No. of foreign patientsd 52 (42.6) NA 185 (69.0)
No. of patients frome:
    BRA 57 (30.8)
    DOM 6 (11.5)
    GUY 16 (8.6)
    HTI 39 (75.0) 91 (49.2)
    SUR 9 (4.9)
    Other countries 7 (13.5) 12 (6.5)
Drug susceptibilityf
    Any resistance 33 (13.6) 12 (11.3) 45 (12.9) 62 (15.7)
    MDRf 3 (1.2) 0 (0.0) 3 (0.9) 10 (2.5)

Values in parentheses are percentages of the total number of patients for whom age was known.


P < 0.05.


NA, not available.


Values in parentheses are percentages of the total number of patients for whom origin was known.


Values in parentheses are percentages of the total number of foreign patients. Abbreviations: BRA, Brazil; DOM, the Dominican Republic; GUY, Guyana; HTI, Haiti; SUR, Surinam.


Values are numbers of patients. Values in parentheses are percentages. MDR, multidrug resistance (resistance to isoniazide and rifampin).