FIG. 5.
Translational activity of S. ramocissimus EF-Tu2. (a) Translational activity of cell extracts of S. coelicolor LT2 harboring expression vector pISRT2-1 with (⋄) and after removal of (♦) endogenous EF-Tu1His. A Ni2+-NTA-treated cell extract of S. coelicolor LT2 harboring pIJ487, the parental vector without tuf2, was used as a control (○). (Inset) Corresponding Western blot of the three extracts. (b) In vitro translation of an EF-Tu-depleted S. coelicolor cell extract supplemented with S. ramocissimus EF-Tu2 (•) and S. ramocissimus EF-Tu1 (○). The translation of the poly(U) messenger was studied by measuring the incorporation of [14C]Phe at 30°C as a function of time (a) and of the concentrations of the EF-Tu species during a 10-min incubation (b).