Taxon | PCR products from mouse chowsb
RF | SPF | Mouse diet, no. 5015 | Mouse diet 9F, no. 5020 | Autoclavable mouse breeder diet, no. 5021 | PicoLab mouse diet 20, no. 5058 | |
Firmicutes | + | +c | +c | +c | +c | +c |
Filobasidium | −/+ | + | + | + | + | + |
Lactobacillus | + | − | −/+ | + | − | −/+ |
Smittium | −/+ | −/+ | −/+ | + | + | + |
Four of the largest assemblages of rRNA gene clones identified by the OFRG analyses of murine intestine (Tables 1 and 2).
The presence or absence of PCR products is indicated as follows: +, product was detected; −, product was not detected; −/+, detection of product was variable in replicate experiments. RF designates the type of Harlan Teklad (Madison, Wisconsin) diet fed to RF mice, autoclaved sterilizable rodent diet (W) (catalog no. 8656); SPF designates the diet fed to SPF mice, rodent diet (W) (catalog no. 8604). The four other diets are different types of PMI LabDiet chow.
PCR products were produced but had high identity to corn mitochondrial rRNA genes.