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. 2006 Jan 3;4:1. doi: 10.1186/1476-7120-4-1

Table 2.

Beta coefficients and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for multivariable linear regression models with CCA diameter as the outcome after adjustment for basic covariates and after adding atherosclerotic risk factors.* Both models included interaction terms allowing determination of effects of age in subsets of varying atherosclerosis severity, the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Limited Data Set, 1987–1989

Basic Model N = 8163 Full Model N = 8163
Beta (95% CI) p-value Beta (95% CI) p-value

Main effects
 Male gender 0.492 (0.439, 0.545) <0.0001 0.435 (0.384, 0.486) <0.0001
 Black race/ethnicity 0.190 (0.149, 0.231) <0.0001 0.087 (0.044, 0.130) <0.0001
 Height (cm) 0.020 (0.018, 0.022) <0.0001 0.023 (0.021, 0.025) <0.0001
 Current smoking - 0.154 (0.107, 0.201) <0.0001
 Current drinking - -0.038 (-0.075, -0.001) 0.0485
 Cigarette years of smoking (in 100's) - 0.019 (0.015, 0.023) <0.0001
 Ethanol (100 grams/week) - 0.039 (0.021, 0.057) <0.0001
 BMI - 0.025 (0.021, 0.029) <0.0001
 Systolic BP - 0.017 (0.015, 0.019) <0.0001
 Diastolic BP - -0.013 (-0.015, -0.011) <0.0001
 Fibrinogen - 0.0002 (0.0000, 0,0004) 0.0335
 Age (1 year of age) 0.028 (0.020, 0.036) <0.0001 0.017 (0.009, 0.025) <0.0001
Additional diameter increase per year of age
 Among Diseased Subset 0.018 (0.004, 0.032)§ 0.0139 0.013 (-0.001, 0.027)§ 0.0611
 Among Risk Factor Subset 0.011 (0.003, 0.019)§§ 0.0096 0.011 (0.003, 0.019)§§ 0.0101

* Basic model independent variables = age, race, gender, height, dummy variables for disease severity, and interaction terms between age-disease severity dummy variables. Full model added variables = BMI, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, current smoker status, cigarette years of smoking in hundreds, current drinker status and grams of ethanol usually consumed per week in 100 g, fibrinogen value.

Beta indicates the expected difference in millimeters of CCA diameter associated with the presence of each categorical variable and for each unit increase of continuous variables.

Beta indicates the expected difference in millimeters of CCA diameter for each year of older age in the low risk subset.

§-§§Betasindicate the expected difference in millimeters of CCA diameter associated with each year of age among the diseased (§) and risk factor or high risk (§§) subsets.