Amino Acid Sequence Alignment of RPD3-Like HDACs from Arabidopsis, Yeast RPD3, and Human HDAC1.
The sequences of Arabidopsis HDA6 (At6), HDA1 (At1), HDA7 (At7), and HDA9 (At9), S. cerevisiae RPD3 (Sc), and human HDAC1 (Hs) are compared. Identical amino acids are boxed in black, and similar amino acids are boxed in gray. Amino acid substitutions for axe1-1 (G127R), axe1-2 (G284D), and axe1-3 (A294V) are indicated as R, D, and V, respectively. Splice site mutations in axe1-4 and axe1-5 are indicated as //. Conserved H residues that are likely to be important for deacetylase activity are indicated by asterisks. Numbers to the right indicate amino acid residues from the initiator methionine.