Figure 2.
RNA Gel Blot Analysis of Transgenic Lines Expressing AtIP5PII Sense and AtPLC1 Antisense Transgenes.
For each construct, two independent lines were selected, grown, and treated as described in Methods.
(A) Induction of the AtPLC1 transcript in two AtPLC1 antisense lines and a vector control transgenic line. ABA-0, plants collected at 0 hr in the ABA medium; ABA-4, plants incubated with ABA (50 μM) for 4 hr; DEX-24, plants incubated with Dex (30 μM) for 24 hr; DEX-24/ABA-4, plants incubated with Dex (30 μM) for 24 hr followed by an additional 4 hr with ABA (50 μM). For details, see Methods.
(B) Induction of the AtIP5PII transcript in two AtIP5PII sense transgenic lines and a control transgenic line containing the pTA211 vector. Lanes are the same as in (A).